A World without Antisemitism: A Vision for Belonging, Collective Liberation, & Jewish Safety

Credit: Ricardo Levins Morales

What is this body of work?

A World without Antisemitism: A Vision for Belonging, Collective Liberation, & Jewish Safety is a set of capacity building supports that provide frameworks, tools, and practices for understanding and engaging antisemitism, how it might show up where we are organizing and in acute moments of crisis and social change. We aim to help organizations understand the importance of fighting antisemitism and strategize to support the continued thriving of their social justice work. We offer tools for addressing antisemitism in order to support the short and long-term capacity of our movements to build collective liberation. 

Our capacity building offerings include trainings and workshops, facilitated dialogues, caucusing, coaching, strategy development, and more. Our offerings incorporate the heart and the head, they’re relational and interactive, they’re focused on understanding and confronting power, and increasing connection and cohesion within teams. We’re grounded in the Jewish stake in collective liberation and we know that nobody can win alone. We are adept at working with clients to identify the specific needs they face and find the ideal team members to help them. We are creating a new common understanding of what antisemitism is and the systemic role it plays, so that social movements and different groups of people with shared interests can unite more effectively.

We are a cohort of organizers, trainers, consultants, researchers, and healers from nearly every corner of the social movement landscape. We are collaborating to fight antisemitism and its instrumentalization from a framework of collective liberation and solidarity. We believe this issue is very important for anyone who intends to stop authoritarianism and fight for multiracial democracy. Our diverse group combines the work of movement strategizing, training development and building a brain trust of experts who can speak to different audiences with language that is appropriate for each situation.

Our team can work with you to address topics such as:

  • ​​​​​​​Countering the instrumentalization of antisemitism in the US, Europe and beyond
  • Intersections between antisemitism and racism, anti-LGBTQ bigotry, Islamophobia and other forms of oppression
  • Unlearning Christian hegemony and dominance
  • How to avoid conspiracy theories in economic/racial justice organizing
  • Histories of Jewish progressive organizing
  • Understanding white Christian nationalist movements and authoritarian threats to democracy
  • Addressing antisemitic interpersonal harm and microaggressions
  • Making sense of antisemitism, Israel/Palestine and Zionism
  • Somatic healing, inherited trauma, and internalized antisemitism
  • Building multiracial Jewish communities against antisemitism
  • Conflict resolution and resiliency in movement spaces